Considering the Basketball Arena is a temporary structure, it is very impressive when entering it. To me it looked no different from the permanent NBA arena’s in the USA. I think a few ticket holders were a bit surprised at the position of their seats up in the gods, but from personal experience, they tend to have an atmosphere all of their own and quite a good view to boot.
While waiting for the basketball to start, I got to thinking about the events I had got tickets for: Beach Volleyball, Archery, Basketball and Fencing. I realised that I had had the opportunity to have a go at all of them at some time. They were always just a fun experience and not quite taken as seriously as the Rugby, Tennis and Cricket that I really concentrated on. Looking back it was probably due to the lack of coaches or access to clubs that stopped a fun sport becoming a more serious, competitive pastime.
The press reports after and during the Olympics showed the increase in interest that had been generated in sport, but there was also the concern in the lack of ability to take this interest and develop it further into regular participation due to lack of facilities and coaches. Time for the Politicians to stand up and stop playing word games and get on with it I think!
With the arena in the Olympic Park, it gave me the opportunity to have a wonder around and see the site. It was also the first day of the athletics, with Jessica Ennis starting the first day of her heptathlon. You could tell when she was in action, the roar from the crowd was massive. The sound of 80,000 people cheering was massive and I read later that it had been especially designed to send the sound back into the stadium and amplify the sound. It was loud outside, so being inside must have been amazing.