I finally got a bit of free time to try and create some images but got distracted by the latest technology. My new phone needed quite a considerable time investment to learn all its functions, and this got me thinking about digital photography. Niall Benvie commented that with digital photographers would have less spare time to discuss and think about theirs and others images. I think this is coming true for me at least. Just as I think I am getting even with the learning curve of the latest software release or product another item comes along and you seem to have to start all over again or carry on with the learning curve on a product you have.

I think that we should all concentrate on fully exploring the equipment and software that we currently have which would probably give us an improvement in or images just as much as buying the latest update or new model camera.

Anyway, just a thought. Now back to the phone manual!

I originally attempted to email this to the blog, but still have some technical issues to sort out! Any advice welcome


Author Nick

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