CommentImages Catching up in the Office Unfortunately we haven't been seeing much blue sky recently. Here in Wales it has been…NickNovember 22, 2009
Images It can be green in Autumn too! Although it is autumn at the moment, there is still a lot of green around…NickNovember 19, 2009
Images Fantastic Fungi – Bishopston Valley, Gower Peninsula The world of macro photography always amazes me and I wish I did more of…NickNovember 17, 2009
Images Late Autumn images of Bishopston Valley, Gower Peninsula The leaves in this image look set up, but were found like this. I did…NickNovember 15, 2009
Images More from Langland Bay, Gower Peninsula As the light levels dropped, I resorted to low shutter speeds to give a bit…NickNovember 12, 2009
Images Langland Bay Waves, Gower Peninsula The image above was from a few days ago when the strong winds were creating…NickNovember 10, 2009
CommentImages Don’t head home too soon! This image was made after the Bay of Fire image, once the sun had set…NickNovember 7, 2009
Images You just can’t beat being at home After travelling on the road for a few weeks, I was nice to come back…NickNovember 5, 2009
Images WWT London Wetlands Centre Once again another day on my road trip was blessed with sunshine. After spending the…NickNovember 3, 2009
Images Down south to Richmond Park After leaving Norfolk, I headed down to London. I was hoping that Red Deer rut…NickNovember 2, 2009